Privacy Policy

The purpose of this document is to describe PumpCX policy regarding the collection and usage of personal data from our external web site and from any customer satisfaction program in which our customers choose to participate.

PumpCX and its agents will protect the information that is gathered as stated in this Privacy Policy. It will not be shared with, bartered, or sold to any third party. If you have any comments or questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at

How we treat your personal information

PumpCX considers all information collected to be our information. It will be collected from you via the forms in various locations on PumpCX websites and from your voluntary participation in product improvement programs, but will not be shared with, bartered, or sold to any third party. 

At times, we disclose relevant information about our customers to our contractors in order for them to provide specific services for PumpCX, or to distributors to fulfill a customer order. Our contractors and distributors are bound by strict contractual requirements to keep all information they receive confidential and to use such information solely on behalf of PumpCX. We take reasonable measures to protect the information you share with us from unauthorized access or disclosure.

We collect information from you for the purposes of fulfilling your requests, improving your experience on the PumpCX websites, improving our ability to create individually relevant communications to you about our products and services and improving our products and features to help better solve design problems. You may choose to not supply any personal information to us; however, doing so will limit your access to certain content on our site, such as product demonstrations, technical papers, videos and the like.

How we treat email lists

PumpCX maintains several e-mail lists to keep interested persons informed about events and other items of interest. Individuals can sign up to join our mailing lists in several ways, for example; in response to an email message or by using a form on our website. Other than disclosing to contractors as required for them to perform specific services for PumpCX, we do not sell, trade, lease, rent, loan or otherwise disclose the addresses on these lists to any third party.


By using our website or by opting into any product improvement program, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information by PumpCX as described in this policy. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. If we decide to change our policy, we will post those changes on this page. 

How we handle your information changes

We realize that your personal information, including name, company, and email address, is subject to change over time. In the effort to keep your information current and accurate, we are working on tools that, once deployed, will allow you to review your information and update it as needed. In the meantime, if you need to update your information in our records, please send email to

How we treat your browser information

PumpCX analyzes the log files of our website to better understand the volume of traffic to particular areas of our site. This information helps us to serve your information needs. Individual users remain anonymous in our website log files unless they have logged into one of our password-protected sites.

Our use of cookies

A “cookie” is a marker or an identifier that is entered into the memory of a visitor’s browser and is saved to a file for future reference. PumpCX uses cookies on selected areas of our website as a tool to “remember” information about our visitors so that they do not have to repeatedly enter their personal information onto numerous forms on the site. In the future, cookies will help us tailor our website to the visitor’s individual interests. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie so that you can decide whether or not to accept it. Even without a cookie, you can access most information on our web site.