PumpCX Telemetry

With significant numbers of staff working remotely, it’s never been more important to accurately monitor the customer and agent experience right down to the agent on every interaction. PumpCX Telemetry provides detailed call quality measurements of every call in your environment. With native out of the box support for AWS Connect and Genesys Cloud and Genesys Multi Cloud (WebRTC and SIP) you can manage and react in real time to quality issues.

Organisations are at the mercy of their home-based agents’ internet connections and VPNs. This has brought a new dimension to the task of ensuring a consistent positive end-to-end experience. PumpCX Telemetry can track the experience across all calls and provide fine grained, actionable, real-time intelligence.

PumpCX Telemetry tracks call quality (the MOS scores), network characteristics (including jitter, dropped packets, round trip time and throughput), CPU and memory use. Finally, PumpCX also tracks the agent’s location and Internet Service Provider. When poor experiences are detected PumpCX Telemetry additionally queries the agent for their opinion of the call quality. PumpCX performs additional network throughput validation while the agent is responding to this question.

PumpCX Telemetry pinpoints experience issues in real time. The actionable intelligence includes the underlying cause for the experience degradation. You can then react to this information by working with the agent to resolve the issues discovered or mitigate the poor experience by moving the identified agents to other modes of working.

PumpCX also introduces an exclusive solution: the Telemetry Data Enrichment and High Availability client application, tailored for Windows SIP softphone environments. This innovative application operates seamlessly on an agent's desktop, enhancing telemetry data gathered from the Softphone. The enriched data is then disseminated to numerous destinations. In addition to furnishing a data feed to multiple PumpCX Telemetry instances, this information can be seamlessly streamed to various SIP RTCP-XR compatible destinations, Oracle EOM among them.

Upon reaching the PumpCX server, the call quality reports can be effortlessly re-published to Splunk. This data can also be elevated through the generation of SNMP traps, enhancing the overall monitoring and management process.