Our Leadership Team

Hamish is the Founder & CEO of PumpCX. Hamish has worked in the telecommunications industry for 20 plus years. He sees innovative solutions to industry wide problems and has proven capacity to deliver solutions. He has created three successful software start-ups.

His guiding principal for PumpCX is “we must do better” designing a system so simple his child could operate it. His team has been very successful with tier one Australian banks, health insurance providers, power utilities and telco companies all using PumpCX technology.

Helen has over fifteen years experience in the tech industry helping to grow and scale early stage tech organizations.

Helen spent more than 10 years previous to that working in government as a senior ministerial advisor and formulator of policy.

Helen leads the business development team as they traverse across new technology omni channels, working closely with our data scientist and dev teams.

Jeffrey is the Chief Technology Officer responsible for the technical part of product development and road map.

He previously worked as a hardware engineer in Australia developing the first broadband wifi network in the world. He then worked with technology teams in the UK for 7 years.

Jeffrey is passionate about creating new technology driving innovation. Jeffrey is the primary inventor listed on multiple wireless technology patents.  

Virginia is the head of vision, strategy and design for PumpCX enterprise cloud product portfolio. Virginia oversees every element of the PumpCX product roadmap, from conceptualization, to launch and post-launch performance.

Drawing on her team’s extensive global 100 years CX experience; working at the intersection of cutting-edge elite DevOps and CX, she leads the development of the latest ecosystems of cloud products, leveraging artificial intelligence, big data and industry best practise.

Virginia has a strong background in finace and tech having previously grown her own cloud technology consulting company, Cloudsail technologies.